International organizations have a wide range of missions and tasks to fulfill in an equally wide range of organizational and legal frameworks. No two international organizations are alike. Each individual mission requires great attention to detail to ensure that the communications infrastructure that is to support this mission is up to the task, that it can be easily scaled when needed, and that it can adapt to changing requirements over time. Years of successful collaboration with many high-profile international organizations have made GSMK uniquely qualified to provide modern, reliable, and most of all secure communication systems with 360-degree protection that meet the needs of these organizations for twenty-first century secure communications systems.

Example Setup:
- Secure calls from the organization’s IP PBX systems in countries all over the world to fixed-line and mobile staff members using the GSMK CryptoPhone IP PBX Gateway;
- Secure calls and secure messaging with local offices, teams, and special emissaries using the GSMK CryptoPhone IP20 secure fixed-line phone and the GSMK CryptoPhone 500i and GSMK CryptoPhone 600G secure mobile phones;
- Secure calls to and from teams in remote areas without GSM coverage or when use of the local network is not desirable using the GSMK CryptoPhone IP SAT over Inmarsat/Thuraya satellite system.
- The GSMK CryptoPhone IP PBX Gateway allows incoming and outgoing calls to and from GSM, Inmarsat/Thuraya or landline phones to be encrypted. It includes secure conferencing functionality for external and internal users;
- Secure mobile telephone calls can be established on any number of mobile networks (including roaming and cross border connections);
- The use of the Inmarsat/Thuraya satellite network allows secure calls from areas without GSM coverage or when the user does not want to be visible on the local GSM network.