Governments need to run large, complex communication networks that must provide reliable platforms for classified information. A Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for example, must rely on a global transnational network to transport sensitive information between the Ministry at home and embassies and missions around the world. Many of these will be capable of communicating over multiple communication channels including satellite. In addition, in each country, the local embassy needs to be able to communicate securely with the ambassador’s residence, travelling attachés, and other staff members – and they need to be able to consult with officials at home using a secure line. To meet these needs, GSMK can provide a comprehensive secure communications system that is customized to a client’s individual requirements.

Example Setup:
- Global Virtual Private Network (VPN) that is individually customized to the client’s needs and that supports a multitude of communication channels, including satellite;
- Secure calls from the Ministry’s over GSMK CryptoPhone IP PBX Gateway system to fixed-line and mobile users in the diplomatic service, whether in the home country, in an embassy abroad, or member of a temporary mission using the GSMK CryptoPhone IP PBX Gateway;
- Secure calls and secure messaging from an embassy to the ambassador’s residence, the military attaché, and other staff using the GSMK Cryptophone IP19 (or CSMK CryptoPhone IP20) secure fixed-line phone and the GSMK CryptoPhone 500i and GSMK CryptoPhone 600G secure mobile phones;
- Secure calls to and from agents in remote areas without GSM coverage using GSMK CryptoPhone IP SAT over Thuraya/Inmarsat satellite system;
- All GSMK CryptoPhones in this scenario are fully interoperable with each other, allowing for encrypted calls mobile to mobile, mobile to fixed-line, mobile to satellite, etc.
- The GSMK CryptoPhone IP PBX Gateway allows incoming and outgoing calls to and from GSM, Thuraya or landline phones to be encrypted. It includes secure conferencing functionality for external and internal users;
- Secure mobile telephone calls can be established on any number of mobile networks (including roaming and cross border connections);
- The use of the Thuraya satellite network allows secure calls from areas without GSM coverage or when the user does not want to be visible on the local GSM network.